In memory of our Patients who have passed away…
Stretch Duncan
He was 13 years old

Shiloh Yetsko
“Shiloh died Sunday March 6th at 11:04 a.m. with family next to her. Thank you all for all of your help with her treatment and passing.”

July 2021- March 2022
A little stranger… one of God’s many creatures…
Obviously old, hungry and abandoned… He was covered with dirt and mud, but in spite appeared “Spirited and Spunky”. I found him searching for water in a dirty ditch at the edge of my Bellwood neighborhood.
Only God could have planned the timing for our paths to cross, that warm July evening of 2021.
Immediately my laundry room became his home. Our family name him Sam, our Lasha “Sweet Pea” became his sister and Sweet Pea’s veterinarian became his as well. We soon discovered Sam’s many health issues, all so common in senior pets.
Sam was such a fitting name for a sweet, loving terrier who said “Thank you” every time he would look at me with his eyes. Old and sick but full of life, Sam would always bounce back with an eager response after each seizure or moments of illness. Always the “Comeback kid ““Play it again. Sam”
For eight months, Sam brightened our days, he made us think about things differently. Every morning I cherished his survival of the night before. When I entered the laundry room, he was always there each morning looking up, expecting me. Somehow, I felt he knew “I was happier to see him than he was to see me”.
I’ve often wondered how any human could abandon a helpless pet. My head and heart work differently… There is always an Alternative to abandonment Sam had no collar, or chip, yet he was house trained and reacted well with car rides. Obviously, he had a previous owner.
Sam’s final seizure was stronger than Sam. Our beloved “Little stranger” transitioned into “Rainbow Heaven” on Thursday Evening March 3, 2022.
A little lost stranger, who came our way reason unknown. Eight months of a better life for Sam. Unforgettable, precious memories of a canine love affair for our family.
Thank you Sam,
S.A. Ross
The Ross Family